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Radiography Accreditation 2024

Libraries' Purpose Statement

NOVA Libraries support the mission of the College to deliver in-person and online postsecondary teaching, learning, and workforce development to students, faculty, staff, and community members. The libraries promote equity and inclusion by addressing systemic barriers to student success and fostering intellectual curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. We perform these essential services by delivering expert information literacy instruction and research assistance, and by curating scholarly collections aligned with the curriculum and lifelong learning interests.

Medical Education Campus Library

Location: Medical Education Campus, Room 341, 6699 Springfield Center Drive, Springfield, VA 22192


Phone: 703-822-6681

MEC Library Chat:

24/7 Library Chat:

Online appointments with a MEC Librarian:

Standard Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7pm (On-site and remote)

Friday: 8:30am - 3pm (On-site and remote)

            3pm - 5pm (Remote only)

All NOVA Libraries offer remote services:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7pm

Friday: 8:30am - 5pm

The NOVA Libraries are closed when the college is closed, and hours vary between academic semesters, Current hours and exceptions can be found here:

MEC Library Staff

The Medical Education Campus Library team consists of:

  • Lead Medical Librarian [MLS, AHIP] who oversees the work of the Library (1 librarian and 2 support staff), leads the development of the library collection, and teaches library instruction. Accredited as a member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals [AHIP].
  • Instruction & Technology Librarian [MSLIS]  who leads the development and teaching of library instruction, and oversees and promotes access to emerging technologies.
  • Collection Management & Interlibrary Loan Specialist, has a degree in Health Information Technology: provides circulation and information service to our students, faculty and staff; assists with collection development and ensures that library resources are accessible to our users locally and through intercampus and interlibrary loan.
  • Library Technology & Research Specialist [MLIS student, BSN] who provides technology and reference support and assists in library instruction services. 


Instruction, Reference, and Information Services

Library Instruction and Reference Services:

Instruction and reference assistance in library research skills, including the use of electronic resources and specialized medical databases, is provided by MEC’s professional librarians to individual and groups of students in their pre-requisite courses such as SDV 101 and through their program years. Library instruction can be tailored to specific RAD class assignments and course content, and the librarians are a part of the new RAD students orientation. Instruction is also provided to individual or faculty groups as requested. Instruction may be in-person or online using synchronous or asynchronous teaching. We also can design flipped instruction with asynchronous learning modules followed by a synchronous research lab session lead by a librarian.

Remote Services include:

  • Library instruction is available remotely using Canvas and Zoom, as well as in person. 

  • Access to reference and information assistance through our Ask A Librarian system (linked on the library website and their program’s Library Resource Guide) through remote service hours. A chat can be converted to screensharing session using Zoom if a student requires more intensive assistance than the chat method can supply. Ask a Librarian

  • Scheduled online appointments with a MEC or other NOVA librarian during service hours. Link is available on the library website and their program’s Library Resource Guide. Schedule an Appointment.

  • Assistance available via phone and email.

  • 24/7 chat reference and information services from professional librarians through our Ask A Librarian system.

Collection Development

Diane Kearney, Lead Medical Librarian, leads the selection of materials for purchase, and reviews and manages the weeding of obsolete materials from the collection following the published materials selection policy for the college, seeking input and feedback from Radiography faculty. 

 An on-line form is available through the College Libraries website for faculty, staff and students to use to request purchases, though many faculty members prefer to email the librarian and we welcome that. 

The Library also works with faculty to help locate and increase access to useful resources for their instruction.

  • The Lead Librarian worked with RAD faculty to acquire unlimited online access to two of the required RAD texts for the students through our state academic library consortium's program, The VIVA Faculty Textbook Portal. Students are advised of these freely available texts during orientation, giving them the opportunity to save textbook costs.
  • When the RAD program was looking for episodes of the series, Chernobyl, for use in their class, we determined that they were available through Kanopy Videos, the MEC Library was able to subscribe to those specific episodes and ensured that the faculty knew how to make them available to the students in their RAD Canvas platform.

The librarian uses selection tools such as:

  • Doody’s Review Service - database of expert reviews of books, eBooks, and software in the health sciences. Includes the annual list of Doody Core and Essential titles in Radiologic Technologies, Diagnostic Radiology, and relevant specialties in Clinical Medicine which are ordered each year for the collection.
  • Choice Reviews for Academic Libraries.
  • RCL Resources for College Libraries.

NOVA Libraries’ on-line resources are purchased or leased directly by the College, through the Virginia Community College System [VCCS], and through a consortial MOU with the Virtual Libraries of Virginia [VIVA]. VIVA includes all the public two-year colleges, baccalaureate and comprehensive colleges and universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia including the University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University and George Mason University, and many of the private colleges and universities. NVCC students, faculty, and staff have access to more than 60 databases through VCCS and VIVA.

Potential online learning resources being considered by NOVA Libraries, including databases and learning apps, are first made available as a trial to students, faculty, and staff to solicit their feedback. Trials are typically available for 30 days, and feedback is collected through on-line surveys available to all stakeholders. Through this process the college recently added  Westlaw Campus ResearchEBSCO’s Dentistry and Oral Science Source and Visible Body’s Anatomy & Physiology app in the last few years.

Relevant new titles added to the Medical Education Campus Library are featured in the Radiography Library Resource Guide:  RAD Course Reserves and New Books List.


Technology in the Library

Library Room

Available for checkout

The MEC Library offers both Dell laptops and MacBooks for students to check out. The laptops are loaded with the necessary software for students to access their courses, take exams, and access online library resources. Mini iPads are also available for checkout, these are preloaded with both the Visible Body apps for students: Visible Body Suite atlas and Anatomy & Physiology.

Main Library (341)

10 student computer workstations with high-speed access to the Internet, Canvas, the library’s catalog and electronic resources. DVD drives are available for use with the computers. Loaded with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021, Zoom, and LockDown Browser. 1 workstation table is wheelchair adjustable. Eight workstation spaces are available for students to work on their laptops or other devices.

5 study pods, 4 single and 1 double, with USB and electrical outlets embedded in the desktop.

4 study carrels with USB and electrical outlets embedded in the desktop.

Media:scape mobile collaboration system – can accommodate up to 4 computers/devices. Available for checkout to be used anywhere in the building.

Mobile SMART Kapp whiteboard - allows you to save your work images, convert them to PDFs, and send to anyone, anywhere, instantly. 

1 Accessibility workstation with computer, 40-inch monitor, iPad Pro for limited vision users and 1 HumanWare Prodigi vision assistant

2 desktop scanners

1 Canon cloud-based BW/color high-capacity printer/scanner/copier

Lockable charging lockers for students’ phones.

Standard and noise-cancelling headphones are available for students to use in the library.

Group Study Rooms (341A and 341B)

Each accommodates up to 5 students

Each room is equipped with a computer with high-speed access to the Internet, Canvas, the library’s catalog and electronic resources. DVD drives are available. Loaded with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 and Zoom.

SMART Kapp whiteboard and glass whiteboard.

24/7 online reservation system available to the students

Library Classroom (341H)

24 student computer workstations with high-speed access to the Internet, Canvas, the library’s catalog and electronic resources. DVD drives are available. Loaded with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021, Zoom, and Lock-Down Browser.

1 instructor’s computer with high-speed access to the Internet linked to projector and Smart Board. School Vue software installed.

Glass whiteboards.

Quiet Study Room (341F)

9 study carrels supplied with drop-in plug and charger units.

Two lounge chairs with access to outlets for laptops and devices.