In addition to our extensive collection of Anatomy and Physiology books, eBooks, streaming videos and DVDs, the library also offers our students interactive anatomical learning resources.
Anatomical resources include:
Physiology Animations - A video reference atlas with more than 60 3D animations.
Arm |
Brain |
Circulatory System |
Eye |
Foot |
Foot and ankle with tendons and ligaments |
Full torso and head |
Hand |
Hand and wrist with tendons and ligaments |
Heart |
Leg |
Skeleton in a box |
Skeleton with ligaments and tendons - 2 |
Skeleton with muscles - 2 |
Skulls - 5 |
Skulls with visible circulation and organs - 2 |
Spine |
Uterus (stages of fertilization and blastogenesis) |
13 piece model of fertilization and stages of embryonic development |