NOVA Libraries provides access to an extensive range of journals, trade publications, magazines, and newsletters relevant to radiographers/radiologic technologists and radiation therapists. Through both physical and electronic collections, students have full-text access to a wide selection of relevant journal articles, including XX of the XX most highly ranked journals determined by SciMago’s 2022 journal rankings of Radiological & Ultrasound Technology and Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Imaging. These journals are listed in the Periodicals tab of this guide.
The vast majority of these resources are available 24/7 to our students, faculty and staff.
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Over 1400 full text journals representing many medical disciplines. The most comprehensive resource for nursing and allied health literature. Search options include peer-reviewed journal articles, evidence-based care plans, quick lessons, patient teaching materials, case studies, continuing education units (CEU), and more. (VCCS)
Hover over the info icon for complete description.
Hover over the info icon for complete description.