1974: Main Building (LR), Science facility (LS) and greenhouses (LG1), Animal Science lab, Interior Design building (LD)
1978: Animal Science Technology building (LA)
2002: Charles L. Waddell building (LW)
Spring 2012: Completed 14,800 square foot addition to Natural Science building (LS) and 7,200 square foot addition to Veterinary Technology building (LA)
Fall 2012: Learning Commons building (LC)
Fall 2015: Robert G. Templin, Jr. Higher Education Center (LHEC)
Spring 2022: Completed major renovations to the Reynolds building (LR)
These photographs and other publications come from the archives at the Loudoun Campus Library. Many items in the Loudoun Campus Archives relate to "Northern Virginia Community College: An Oral History, 1965-1985," compiled by retired Loudoun Campus Dean of the Humanities Division, Dr. Beverly Blois. Our collection also includes images of President Jimmy Carter visiting the Loudoun Campus, as well as documentation of a campus connection to the Ankers family.
The Loudoun Campus is located in Sterling and primarily serves the residents of northern Fairfax County and Loudoun County. Construction began on a 91.4 acre site in 1972 and was completed in 1974 with four permanent buildings, the temporary Interior Design Building, and commercial grade greenhouse/laboratories. In Fall 2012, the Learning Commons building opened at the Loudoun Campus which boasts an impressive new library, improved food services and a variety of meeting space and recreation rooms. In Fall 2015, the Robert G. Templin, Jr. Higher Education Center (HEC) opened. The 41,000 square foot facility is LEED Certified Silver and contains energy saving features such as directional outdoor lightning, occupancy sensors for lighting control, LED lights and a geothermal system to provide heating and cooling. It also has a green roof and rain gardens to reduce rain run-off and a white roof to reflect heat. In May 2022, a major renovation of the original 1974 Main building, renamed the Reynolds building, was completed. The 78,880 square foot three-story classroom and administration building features retail/dining space, a fitness center, educational classrooms, and conference and meeting spaces. The building also provides administrative space for the Dean of Students, Campus Police, Office of Veteran Affairs, Student Services/Advising and Campus and Community Relations Department, among others.
Among the more distinctive programs offered at Loudoun are Veterinary Technology, Horticulture and Biotechnology programs through the Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business Division. In addition, they offer Geographic Information Systems, Music Recording Technology and Communication Design programs through the Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences Division.
Date: 1974
Source: Loudoun Campus Archives
Description: An aerial photograph of the Loudoun Campus in 1974.
Photographer: Northern Virginia Community College