★ Persistent links in Wiley Online Library are created using DOI (Digital Object Identifiers).
- From the results list: click on the the article title or Abstract link for the article you're interested in.
![Finding the DOI for your article](http://lgimages.s3.amazonaws.com/data/imagemanager/52476/wiley2.jpg)
- On the next screen, at the top of the abstract highlight and copy the DOI (starting with the numbers).
- Add the DOI to the end of this: http://dx.doi.org/(in this example, adding the DOI would give you this URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/uog.6273)
- Highlight and copy the URL you just created.
- Go to this web site: http://library.vccs.edu/reference/purltoez.htm
- Paste the copied URL into the box and click Submit. A formula will be added to the URL that will enable you to access it from off campus using your myNOVA (VCCS) username and password.
- Congratulations! You have created a persistent URL, and you can now copy it and use it. The link will be long, so you may want to plug it into a site like Bitly (http://bitly.com/), which will convert the link into a shorter one that is easier to work with. The links never expire.