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Citing Media

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Citing examples: Film, Blu-ray, Streaming

This information is often found on the backs of DVD/Blu-Ray containers, from the website or database where you viewed the film, or from trusted film databases such as

Note: The two examples given are for the same film, but the IMDB information provides the year the film was released in theaters, while the DVD example provides the year the DVD was released. Use the year of the version of the film you saw or are referencing.

Title of Film or Movie. Directed by Director, Film Studio or Distributor, release year.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Directed by Rian Johnson, Lucasfilm, 2018.

If the actor/actress is relevant to the citation, you can include them after the director.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Directed by Rian Johnson, performances by Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, Walt Disney Pictures, 2018.

DVD/Blu-Ray case:

Portion of the DVD cover for Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Information used in the citation is circled on the image in yellow.
The image above is a picture of the back of the case, where you can often find most of the information you need for your citation.


Title of Film or Movie. Directed by Director, Film Studio or Distributor, release year.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Directed by Rian Johnson, Walt Disney Pictures, 2017.

If the actor/actress is relevant to the citation, you can include them after the director.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Directed by Rian Johnson, performances by Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, Walt Disney Pictures, 2017.

Screen capture of the IMDB page for Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi


The Company Credits information can be found on the film's IMDB page, beneath the Cast and other Details. Click on 'See more' to see a list of Production Companies and Distributors (see example below).

List of production companies associated with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Walt Disney Pictures is highlighted

Sections to look for:

Title block (shown to the left) (Title, Year, Director, Writer, Some actors)

Company Credits (shown above) (Film Studio/Distributor)


Fig. 1. "Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi." IMDB, 2019, 
 Accessed 26 February, 2019.

Citing examples: Online media

“Video Title.” Name of site, uploaded by username, date uploaded, url.

“What if You Stopped Sleeping?” YouTube, uploaded by AsapSCIENCE, 22 Sep. 2013,

Note: If the creator is different from the uploader, cite the creator before the video title.

Ex: Author Name. or Username. "Video Title." Name of site, uploaded by username, date uploaded, url.

This information should be found on the website where you viewed the video. Visit to find this example:

Information used in the citation is highlighted on the image in yellow.

In this example, the creator/author and the uploader are the same, so only the uploader is listed in the citation. If the creator is different from the uploader, cite the creator before the video title.

Citing examples: Television episodes

Broadcast TV Episodes (Aired on a TV Channel)

"Episode Title." Name of TV Show, Network Name, TV Station Call Letters, City, air date.

"The Outspoken King." Empire, Fox, WTTG, Washington, D.C., 14 Jan 2015.

Recorded TV Episodes

Most of this information can be found in the episode credits. You may also be able to find this information on IMDB, the DVD or Blu-ray case, Wikipedia, or the website of the TV network that aired the show. Make sure you verify information at another source if you find it on Wikipedia.

"Episode Title." Name of TV Show, written by Writer Name, directed by Director Name, Distributor, release year.

"The Lion and the Rose." Game of Thrones Season 4, written by George R. R. Martin, directed by Alex Graves, Home Box Office (HBO), 2014.

Streaming TV (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, YouTube TV, etc.) 

Most services will include the Episode Title, Name of TV Show, Season number, and Episode number. You may also find information in the episode credits. You may need to check a second source for the Network Name and air date. Make sure you verify information at another source if you find it on Wikipedia.

"Episode Title." Name of TV Show, season number, episode number, Network Name, air date. Streaming Channel, website url.

"The Outspoken King." Empire, season 1, episode 2, Fox, 14 Jan 2015. Hulu,

Entire TV Series

Producers. Title of TV show. Distributor, year.

Benioff, David and D.B. Weiss. Game of Thrones. Home Box Office (HBO), 2011-.