Only cite an interview if it is retrievable. If it is a personal interview that is not able to be accessed by the reader, follow the guidelines for personal communication.
Last Name of Person Who Was Interviewed, First Name. Personal Interview. Day Month Year of interview. By Interviewer First Name Last Name. Telephone Interview.
Ball, William. Interview. By Hyun Jae Lee. 30 Jan. 2016. Telephone Interview.
Blackmun, Harry. Interview with Ted Koppel and Nina Totenberg. Nightline, ABC, WABC, 5 Apr. 1994.
Song in an album:
Artist. “Song Title.” Album, Record Label, publication date. Streaming Website, URL to the song.
Rammstein. “Sonne.” Mutter, Universal Music GmbH, 2001. Spotify,
Information used in the citation is highlighted on the image in yellow. |
Song released as a single:
Artist. "Song Title." Album, Record Label, publication date. Streaming Website, URL to the song.
Childish Gambino. “This is America.” This is America, RCA Records, 2018. Spotify,
Information used in the citation is circled on the image in yellow. Because this song was released as a single, it does not have a separate Album title. Check with your professor to see if they would prefer you omit the Album title when you cite singles. |
Artist. “Song Title.” Album, Record Label, publication date.
May, Daniel. “Earth.” Feng Shui: Music for Balanced Living, Avalon Music, 2002.
Information used in the citation is circled on the image in yellow. The publication date was listed on the CD itself, near the center. |
Capitalize abbreviations No. and Op. in the title. Include the date of composition (it can be a range of years) after the title of the piece. Include medium of publication. If the score is part of a series, include the information about the series after the medium of publication. If there is no publisher listed, you can write N.p. No date, n.d.
Prokofiev, Sergey. Symphonie Classique: Op. 25. 1916-1917. London: Boosey, 1942. Print.
Score with no date of publication:
Prokofieff, Sergei. Symphony No. 1: Classical Symphony, Op. 25. 1916-1917. Michigan: Luck’s Music, n.d. Print.
Narrator/Host. “Episode Title.” Podcast Series Title, season/series number, episode number, Publisher, publication date, URL.
If a podcast does not use season/series numbers or episode numbers you do not need to include anything in that field.
Podcast on its own website:
Narrator/Host. “Episode Title.” Podcast Series Title, season/series number, episode number, Publisher, publication date, URL.
Gladwell, Malcolm, narrator. “The Lady Vanishes.” Revisionist History, season 1, episode 1, Slate Group, 2016,
Podcast published as part of a larger website:
Narrator/Host. “Episode Title.” Podcast Series Title, season/series number, episode number, Publisher, publication date, Container website, URL.
This podcast does not use season/series numbers or episode numbers, so they are not included in the example below.
Chang, Ailsa, host. “Why Scientists Can’t Explain All the Appeal of an Eclipse.” Morning Edition, NPR, 11 Aug. 2017. NPR,
Podcast in an app:
Narrator/Host. “Episode Title.” Podcast Series Title, season/series number, episode number, Container app, publication date.
This app does not display the season/series number,episode number, or Publisher, so they are not included in the example below:
Gladwell, Malcolm, narrator. “The Lady Vanishes.” Revisionist History, iTunes app, 16 June 2016.
Speaker’s name. "Title of the speech." Title of the conference or meeting and then the name of the organization. Name the venue and its city (if the name of the city is not listed in the venue’s name). Use the descriptor that appropriately expresses the type of presentation (e.g., Address, Lecture, Reading, Keynote Speech, Guest Lecture, Conference Presentation).
Stein, Bob. “Reading and Writing in the Digital Era.” Discovering Digital Dimensions, Computers and Writing Conference, 23 May 2003, Union Club Hotel, West Lafayette, IN. Keynote Address.