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Citing Media

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Online Communication

Social Media

Author's Last Name, First Name. or Account Name. Brief Description of Post. Site name, publication date, post time, URL. "A Dumfries dentist will be competing on 'Jeopardy' tonight." Facebook, 13 Dec. 2018, 8:08 a.m., 
 Accessed 15 February, 2019.

This information should be found on the social media site near/on the post you are citing.

Visit to find this example:

Note: You can find the time of a Facebook post by hovering your mouse over the date (found beneath the account name).

Remember: You are citing the Facebook post, not the linked article. The Title of your source is a Brief Description of the Post or a snippet of the text of the post, not the title of the linked article. If you mean to cite the article, click the link and cite the article on the site where it was originally posted.



Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. (handle). "First several words of Instagram post (if any)..." Instagram, Day month year posted, URL.


libechillbro. "Root beer floats are in honor of National Library Week…" Instagram, 18 Apr 2016,



Username. "Caption of video (do not include trailing hashtags)." Tik Tok, Date and Time, URL.


@tik.tok.librarian. "Which literary character would you choose to be your Valentine?" Tik Tok, 14 Feb. 2020,


Note: For Tweets, use @username for the author. For example, @GeorgeTakei.

Account Name. "Brief Description of Post." Site name, publication date, post time, URL.

@NOVAcommcollege. "Make sure to file your taxes!" Twitter, 21 Feb. 2019, 9:55 a.m.,

Visit to find this example:


From the Twitter feed, hover over the date to find the time of the post (see image on the right) or click on the tweet to open it and find the date and time there.

Blogs, Wikis, Discussion Forums, Email Listservs

Author’s name or Username. “Post Title.” Site Name, Publisher’s or Sponsor’s Name, URL.

Kaiser. “Steph Curry Wonders if Astronauts Ever Made It to the Moon.” Celebitchy, Celebitchy, LLC, 
 Accessed 13 Dec. 2018.

Visit to find this example:

You will often find this information at the beginning or the end of the post. Remember to include the date you accessed the post if it is a source that can be edited or changed.

This information was located at the beginning of the post, grouped together with the title. In some cases an author or date or other core information may not be provided. In those cases it is especially important to include a date of access.

Email (personal communication)

Author’s Name. “Re: Subject Line.” Received by recipient’s name, Date message was sent.

Jacobson, Helen. “Re: Information Literacy Framework Case Studies - Chapter Proposal.” Received by Monique Clark, 29 Aug. 2018.