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Alma Tips

Under review Aug. 2023. Direct comments to

Creating a Brief Record

These instructions will guide you in creating local Brief Records at the campus level for lease books, course reserves, electronic resources, anatomical models, CD-ROMS in the back of books, etc.

Brief Records are for identifying and managing anything that you used to use NVC30 records for.

Required Role: Physical Inventory Operator

1. Under Resources, choose Add Physical Item from the drop-down menu. 

2. In the Choose Holdings Type window, there are a number of options.

  • Choose Holdings Type: New (set as default).
  • Citation Type:
    • ​Book - for ALL items except individual articles. You will be able to choose the material type within the record.
    • Article - for individual articles.


3. Click Choose.

4. In the Quick Cataloging screen, there are 3 sections:

(This Brief Record window is very similar to the Print Book Brief Record window created within Course Reserves, the same instructions apply.

1. Placement of new record

a. Institution (set as default)

2. Resource Information

a. Title is mandatory

  1.  Recommended :
    1. Author - Last, First format or organization name
    2. Edition
    3. Publication date - Enter the 4-digit year
    4. ISBN - DO LAST - This will act as a "save" and finishes the record. It also puts a picture of the book in Primo.

b. Complete other fields as you need. See notes on B&T lease books below.1

c. Barcode is NOT mandatory here, it is mandatory in the next section. ***Do not scan barcode here, that acts as a Save. If all mandatory fields are filled in, scanning the barcode will close the record. If you are missing any mandatory information, scanning the barcode will generate an error message. If you want to enter it here, type the number in.***

d. Suppress from Discovery should be checked by default, this prevents the item from appearing in Primo. See notes on B&T lease books below.1

e. Course Restricted is used for adding course reserve items not in the catalog. The item information will be visible in Primo when listed in a particular Course Reserve list. If you have this checked, you MUST uncheck Suppress from Discovery.

3. Item Information

a. Location (mandatory) – Location is a two-part descriptor, your library and the Location (used to be “collection”) within your library. See notes below.2

b. Barcode is mandatory. Do this last if you are scanning the barcode.  See note in step 2c.

c. Material type

d. Item Policy See notes below.2

e. Public Note – as needed. If you do not suppress from discovery, this will be visible in Primo.

5. Click the Save button in upper right corner of the screen. This will save and close your record.

Saving and closing the record creates a work order for Acquisitions (LTS) in the form of the request. We want to cancel that request.

1. Search for the Physical Item by title or barcode.

The Item Record will show Request followed by a linked number 1.

2. Click on the linked number 1 to get to the request screen. Click the Cancel button to cancel the work order.

3. In the Confirm Request Cancelation window, click Confirm. The cancelation reason does not matter, and may be left on the default choice.


1 Notes: If the campus libraries decide to have B&T lease books visible in Primo.

  1. Both the Suppress from Discovery and the Course Restricted boxes must be unchecked.
  2. Include the ISBN information, this will allow Primo to display the book’s cover image.

2 Notes: Important changes to the way we assign Locations/Collections in Alma.

How Item Policies (loan policies) work in Alma is very different from Aleph. For most locations the loan duration is created by the combination of the Location policy and the User’s Policy. NVCC does not have different checkout lengths for different Users, so it’s easiest to think that Location sets the rules. The exceptions are the three locations that live under Reserve Fulfillment Rules (Reserves, Equipment, and Uncatalogued), their loan period is set by the combination of the Location and the Item Policy assigned.

Example: Circulation Locations is set to 3 week checkout. If you place an item in Circulation, it does not matter what item policy you assign, it will be 3 weeks. But an item assigned to Equipment, can be assigned any loan policy from 2 hours to 3 weeks.

Location                                                                   Set Item Policy

Circulation                                                                3 week checkout, 1 renewal

A/V                                                                           3 week checkout, 1 renewal

Careers                                                                    3 week checkout, 1 renewal

English as a 2nd Language                                       3 week checkout, 1 renewal

Periodicals                                                                1 week checkout, 1 renewal

Reference                                                                 Not for Loan                                                         

Reserve Fulfillment Units contains these three collections from Alma: Reserves, Equipment & Uncatalogued. The wide variety of loan policies assigned in Aleph will carry over.


Assigning Locations when creating brief records in Alma:

**Do not assign anything to Uncatalogued. It serves no purpose in Alma. **

B&T leased books – assign to Circulating location, it will have a 3-week checkout, be renewable, and requestable in Alma. If we decide to publish the records, they will be requestable in Primo, as well.

Single Issue Journals – assign to Periodicals, 1 week checkout, renewable.

Electronics – assign to Equipment, then choose the appropriate loan policy.

Course Reserve items – assign to Reserves, then choose the appropriate loan policy.

Anatomical Models – assign to Reserves, then choose the appropriate loan policy.

Bookstand – assign to Reserves, then choose the appropriate loan policy.

CD accompanying a book – Same location and policy as the book.

Calculator – assign to Equipment, then choose the appropriate loan policy.

Headphones - assign to Equipment, then choose the appropriate loan policy.