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Alma Tips

Under review Aug. 2023. Direct comments to

Using the Alma Offline Client

The offline client should be used when we have lost network access to Alma. Its functions are limited to check-out and return. The offline client should be installed on the circulation desk computers accessible to whomever is logged into that computer.

Required Roles: Circulation Desk Operator OR Manager (necessary to upload the files to Alma)

The offline client is stored on the C drive > Alma Offline Circulation > OffCirc > Bin, and a shortcut can be placed on the desktop: 

Desktop shortcut icon: 

Open the client, it will take up all your screen. While the client is open, you cannot use any other computer functions unless you have dual monitors. 

The Client has only two functions, Loan and Return.

  • If a student wishes to renew, return the item, and then check it out to them again.
  • You can check out items to existing Community Users using the offline client.
  • You can record an in-house use by returning an item that is not on loan


  • Click Loan radio button
  • Borrower: Scan their ID card or enter their EMPLID (Important: If you are not sure that the student’s barcode is currently in Aleph, they are a new student, or they have a brand new ID card, use their EMPLID.)
  • Item barcode: Scan or manually enter, Click the Loan button if manually entering.


  • Click Return radio button
  • Item barcode: Scan or manually enter. If manually entering, click the Return button.

To save the transactions, click on the Save to File button. We recommend that you do this after you completed each patron’s transactions.

If you close the client, you will be prompted to save the data, always click OK.

All the transactions are saved to a single data file, even over a matter of days. You will upload it to Alma after network connection is established.

Uploading offline data to Alma

Important: Your Alma location must be at your circulating desk.

1. Under Fulfillment, choose Offline Circulation from the drop-down menu under Advanced Tools.

2. In the Add Offline Circulation File Screen, click on the open file folder icon in the File name to open your computer library.

3. Go to C drive > Alma Offline Circulation > OffCirc > files > OffCirc.dat

4. Double-click the data file (OffCirc.dat) then click Upload and Validate File Content.

Note: What you see in the file name box may be odd, but don’t worry, it works.

While the validation process is ongoing, your status will read Pending, once it is complete, status will be Completed Successfully. You may need to click the Refresh button to update the status.

  • You, as the Alma operator, will receive an email from the system notifying you of the job completion and listing and errors or exceptions.
  • Users who have returned items will receive notices that their items were returned on the appropriate date.

You can also view the error/exceptions messages by clicking on the ellipse button for that job, then clicking View Report.

5. Export the report to an Excel file by clicking the export icon.

What do those error messages mean?

From Ex Libris:

Common messages found when clicking "View" to see the Job Report (with their respective real-life causes) include –

  • Item not found. Barcode: 1111111111 (the item’s barcode doesn’t match any current item.)
  • User not found. Barcode: 2222222222 (the user's barcode doesn't match any current user. Common cause: a different user identifier was scanned into offline circ rather than the user’s Barcode.)
  • Return item failed, item was not on loan. Barcode: 3333333333 (no impact; this is recorded as an in-house loan)
  • A later action on this item happened. Barcode: 4444444444 (no impact; something has been done in Alma with the item since the offline circ run, so no action was taken by processing this item via offline circ upload)

Big important Note: When Alma uploads the data file, it does not delete the information in the data file.  Before you use the offline client again, delete the old OffCirc.dat file.