This process creates the course record for Course Reserves. This record contains the necessary information for students to locate the reserve items in Primo. This process is required for NEW courses only. If the course has already been created, continue to Create/Edit Reading Lists and Physical Item Citations.
Required Roles: Course Reserves Operator or Manager OR Fulfillment Services Operator or Manager
1. Select Fulfillment from the side navigation and choose Courses from the Course Reserves menu.

2. Click Add Course.

3. Enter the Mandatory and Recommended Information.
Mandatory Information:
- Code – This is the course ID.
- Best structure for the Code is to have a space between the 3-letters and the course number, i.e. ENG 111. This way if a student only enters ENG and they also search their instructor’s name, they will actually get the correct course.
- Name – Use the official name of the course. If there is a popular name, you can enter that, in addition.
- Processing Department – There is only one, Courses – Processing Departments.
​Recommended Information:
- Section – Enter your campus name here.
- Active radio buttons – You want to click on the Active button when you are ready for your course to go live.
- Start and End Dates - Set your start date for whenever you want the course to be available. Unless your course is a one-off, set the end date years out.
- Searchable IDs – Add any terms that your students might use to search for the course, including the course ID altogether (ENG111), and Campus abbreviations (MEC).
- Instructors tab – Use drop-down box to find instructor, click Add Instructor button. You can add multiple instructors. The list button will open a new window for searching if you want that. The Recent button (face of clock with counter clockwise arrow) will show you your most recent choices.

4. Click Save.
If you need to edit your course record after you’ve saved it, find your course in the list (Fulfillment > Courses) and click the ellipse button. Click Edit to make changes, click Duplicate to make an editable copy for a different instructor or section.