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Alma Tips

Under review Aug. 2023. Direct comments to

Create/Edit Reading Lists and Physical Item Citations

These instructions will guide you in creating and editing reading lists for courses in Alma. This is necessary for students to locate the reserve items in Primo. Adding a Citation connects the item record to the course.

Required Roles: Course Reserves Operator or Manager OR Fulfillment Services Operator or Manager

Create a Reading List in Alma

This process is required for NEW reading lists only. If the reading list has already been created, continue to Edit a Reading List in Alma.

1. Select Fulfillment from the side navigation and choose Courses from the Course Reserves menu.

2. Search for the course in the top menu.

3. Note the Code Number and Course Section and find the correct course from the list. To add a new reading list, click the ellipses to the right of the course and select Reading List from the menu.

4. Select Add Reading List from the top menu.

5. A Pop-up window displays. Fill in the fields below:

  • Code - campus abbreviation and course code (EX: LO CHM 101, a space is best between the letters and numbers)
  • Name - course name or whatever makes sense for this particular reading list. It is NOT searchable in Primo.
  • Status - leave it at "being prepared" which is not searchable. Change later to "complete" when done.
  • Due back date - put the date at whatever makes sense or the duration of expected usage.

Click Add and Close.

Edit a Reading List in Alma and Add a Citation

This process is for editing reading lists and adding a citation (i.e. Alma record for a physical book, eBook, or database item)

1. Select Fulfillment from the side navigation and choose Courses from the Course Reserves menu.

2. Search for the course in the top menu.

3. Note the Code Number and Course Section and find the correct course from the list. To edit a reading list, click the ellipses to the right of the course and select Reading List from the menu.

4. Within the Course's Reading List, select the ellipse and choose Work On from the drop-down menu.

5. The reading list displays. Select Add Citation from the upper menu.

6. Select the Citation type:

  • Add Brief - use this if you are creating a new Alma record.  
  • Add Non-Repository Citation - for an item from a database
  • Add Repository Citation - for an item with an existing Alma record; physical and ebook.

Add Brief  - refer to the Quick Cataloging section within “Create a Brief Record” page.

Add Repository Citation – Perform a search in 'Repository Search' by barcode, title, etc. for the item    

1. Select the item by selecting the Check mark box and click Select.

2. The item shows on the reading list.

3. To delete or remove the citation, click on the ellipses to the right of the citation, select Remove, and click Save.

Finish processing the course reserve material according to your campus guidelines, i.e. security tag, book pockets, labeling, etc.