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Alma Tips

Under review Aug. 2023. Direct comments to

Print Hold Slips - ICL Requests

These instructions are for printing Hold Slips --- ICLs

Required Role: Requests Operator

1. From the Tasks widget, click on 'Pickup from shelf' within 'Other Requests' menu or Fulfillment > Pick From Shelf

2. Check the box next to the request or check 'Select All' for multiple requests and click 'Print Slip'.

3.  A pop-up message will appear with the message 'Slip was printed successfully' . Click 'Quick print'.

4.  The print slip will look like this:

  • The patron’s name in two places
  • Destination campus
  • Owning campus listed at bottom

Select your printer and click print.

5. Place the folded Print Slip in the item and place the Hold Request in Transit.