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Alma Tips

Under review Aug. 2023. Direct comments to

Expired NOVACard or Community Patron Card

If a patron has an expired card, DO NOT OVERRIDE. Update the expiration date BEFORE checking out items. 

Required Roles: Circulation Desk Operator or Manager OR Circulation Desk Operator – Limited (student workers)

1. Select Fulfillment from the side navigation and choose Manage Patron Services from the menu.

2. Search for the patron by entering their MyNOVA username or EMPLID (student ID number). Select the patron from the drop-down menu and click Go.

3. Patron information shows. Click the linked MyNOVA username in the ID field to view user details/patron record.

4. Alma defaults to the Identifiers tab. Click on the General Information tab to view expiration/purge dates. Click 'Open for Update' to edit the dates.

5. Click 'Yes' in the pop-up message.

6. Within the General Information tab, update the expiration and purge dates:

  • For Students/Faculty/Staff:
    • Change expiration date to the end of the next semester 
    • Change the purge date to 1 year out from the new expiration date
  • For Community Patrons:
    • Change expiration date to 1 year from today's date
    • Change the purge date to 1 year out from the new expiration date

If you do not update the expiration date and perform an override, the patron will receive a 'Shortened Due Date Letter' email referencing an expired patron card.