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Alma Tips

Under review Aug. 2023. Direct comments to

Create Fines and Fees Report

These instructions are for creating a Fines and Fees report. 

The Fines and Fees Report is a downloadable Excel file that includes a report of the fines and fees transactions that have been performed over the prior 7 day period. This report allows you to specify the following filters:
  • Received by library – Filters by the library at which the fine/fees were paid. This filter cannot be used for reporting waive actions.
  • Received by circulation desk – If a library is specified, filters by the circulation desk at which the fine/fees were paid. This filter cannot be used for reporting waive actions.
  • Transaction types – Filters by the type of transaction:
    • Payment and Waive – includes both payments and waivers
    • Payment – includes only payments
    • Waive – includes only waivers
  • Fine owner – Filters by the owner of the fine/fee, which may or may not be the same location where the fine or fee was paid or waived.
Reports can be sent to a specific user or your library's Alma email.

Required Role: Fulfillment Administrator, Circulation Desk Manager OR General System Administrator

1. Select Fulfillment and choose Create Fines and Fees Report from the Advanced Tools - General category.

2. The Fines and Fees Report page appears.

3. Enter the following information to set up the report. If you specify more than a 7-day period, an error message appears.

  • From date – Specify the start date of the report. By default, it is set to the current date.
  • To date – Specify the end date of the report. By default, it is set to the current date.
  • Transactions types: Payment and Waive, Payment, Wave
  • User: specific email address or library's Alma email.

4. Select Run Now. The report is sent to the specified User.